Thursday, March 22, 2012


I never had to climb hills with a heavy back breaking back pack before, let alone for three to four hours. I never wore the same clothes for so long, or gotten lost in the rainforest two days in the row. And yet all these things happened in the last 5 days.

From the touristy and hilly town of Monteverde, we hiked for 16 km to Eladio's, also the middle of nowhere. It was a lot of mud sliding, jumping from stone to stone, and hanging onto trees and rocks while climbing up. Eladio's is actually a rainforest on what used to be Eladio's farm. Eladio decided to give up this land to be a part of protected land and now he works on it as a tour guide and cook in a little green cabin. We stayed in the building right next to his cabin which functions as kitchen, classroom, library, bedroom, and dining hall. We set up mosquito nets on the shaky wooden bunk beds. Rain poured for all but one day while we were there hiking, catching bats, studying, playing guitar and singing among other things to make up for all the free time.

Although a kilometer less, our next hike felt more difficult because of steeper and more frequent hills. However, we arrived at a heavenly hostel with a view of 20 hectares of hilly forest to die for. Not to mention the food and the presence of civilized bathrooms and showers. Although I must say, nothing can beat Eladio's pancakes.

Currently, I am at La Selva biological station, a rainforest carefully framed with paths and gridlines for easy research access. The reason why I am able to share with you is because there is wifi here! Bellow is the picture of a spider monkey and sunset lighting Monteverde forest, both taken from my ipod. My next update might be in a week or later. In three days, scubidiving in Panama awaits us. Pura vida.

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