Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Pre Study Abroad 4

not today's sunrise but also beautiful
Today's sunrise was marvelous. I wonder, will I see many sunrises or sunsets in Costa Rica? Probably not, since I will be surrounded by tall trees with lush foliage. Well maybe only when I will go to the beach. Less than a month is left and I have so many things left to do. I am reading books, saving up money, going to doctor appointments, catching up with friends, practicing Spanish, and shopping.

I've been also thinking a lot about my independent research that I will have to do in Costa Rica. It is the hardest thing to come up with, the research question. Of course it is even harder when you haven't seen what you will research on but I can't even come up with what I will exactly study, which type of organism. I've been telling myself birds but why and how? So many research topics interest me that can be applied to any organism
  • camouflage vs bright appearance what is more beneficial? what matters more, protection or sexual selection? Although some organisms can change their appearance from bright to dull in order to blend in but stand out during the mating season.
  • a relationship between plant and insect, bird and insect, or bird and fruit...whichever one
  • Which native or non native plants/animals populate a disturbed area and why?
  • competition between native and non native species
For now I'll just get back to reading about Costa Rican birds, hoping to convince myself to study them. Then I'll change my mind when I get to Costa Rica. At least I am starting ahead of time.